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Carte de visite - le Talapet

Dominique et Marcel Rambaud

Le Talapet, Col du Mollard, 73300 Albiez-Montrond

Tel. : 04 79 59 31 25

E-mail :

7 + 5 =

Le Talapet – 73300 Albiez-Montrond, how to come ?

Coordonnées GPS : Latitude : 45.217695 | Longitude : 6.351295GPS coordinates: Latitude: 45.217695 | Longitude: 6.351295

By car

Warning : Col de la Croix de fer closed in winter

Motorway A43 (in the Lyon/Turin direction) : EXIT n ° 27: St Jean de Maurienne

Follow the signs for « Vallée de l’Arvan ». At the “Opinel” roundabout (traditional mountain knife in the middle of the island) take the 2d exit: D110 direction Albiez Montrond Col du Mollard

In Albiez Montrond continue strait on, on the D80 until you reach the Col du Mollard.

At “Le Mollard”, take the first road on the left «Rue du ravarin », towards Intersport. Turn right between the restaurant “Le Molotov” and “Intersport” .

Then, take 2nd lane on the right, just after the white 2 storey building . Carry on to the end of the courtyard.

You have arrived !

By Train

Saint-Jean-de-Maurienne Station

TGV from Paris to Saint de Maurienne : 4 h

Buses to Albiez : Trans’Alpes Tel: 04 79 64 02 55

By air : Airports

  • Lyon – St Exupéry
  • Chambéry-Voglans
  • Grenoble

Le Talapet

Dominique et Marcel Rambaud
Col du Mollard
73300 Albiez-Montrond
Tel. : 04 79 59 31 25
E-mail :

Any question ?

Feel free to contact us.

How to come ?

By car, by train, by plane…


Discover our village.

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